The Firm
Our law firm offers legal services regarding all aspects of business law, in particular corporate and commercial law, labour law, IP and IT, as well as contracts and real property, both in transactions (M&A, PE) and in project or contract drafting. We also handle complex lawsuits (in Germany) as well as (international) arbitration procedures for our clients.
Due to our international working experience, we are able to offer our clients access to the foreign culture of both business and law, with a particular focus on the U.S. and the UK. We are included in a network which englobes both national and international law firms, both straddling our own specific areas as well as international and cross-border issues.
We offer excellent legal qualifications, entrepreneurial thinking, an extensive knowledge of the trade as well as business experience spanning over almost 20 years at average, which we, as lawyers and partners in internationally active, leading law firms, have gathered. As a business law firm, we advise with highly entrepreneurial understanding, our main focus being corporate law, commercial law, IP & IT law, labour law and capital market law, as well as contract and real property. Transactions and projects are handled and advised in an integrated and multidisciplinary manner.
Our service focuses mainly on listed companies, internationally oriented medium sized businesses, family businesses, foreign investors, as well as on funds and family offices. We are strongly committed to a consultation which includes a personal commitment, which is discreet and aiming to obtain results in a pragmatic way, whilst simultaneously possessing the highest level of professional conduct.Your contact
Education / Experience
- Law studies at the law schools in Munich (PhD Law; both State Exams (JD; bar admission) with distinction), Bonn, King´s College London (Diploma in Legal Studies) und Georgetown University Law Center (Washington, D.C., USA; Master-of-Laws)
- Attorney-at-Law (admitted both in Germany and in New York). For over 15 years partner in leading international law firms, including positions as Head of Office, Head of Corporate/M&A
- Corporate and Commercial; Contracts
- Transactions, M&A, Private Equity; Corporate Finance
- Insolvency and Restructuring; Capital Markets; Asset Management
- International and Cross-Border Business
- IT & IP, Data Protection & Privacy
- Real Property Transactions
- Complex Litigation and Arbitration Procedures
- Shareholders' Disputes; Directors’ Liability
Publications / Academia / Affiliations
- Numerous publications, articles, lectures and speeches on corporate law, capital markets, investment and regulatory law in trade and commerce in Germany, U.S. and UK
- Winner of IfA´s (International Fiscal Association) Mitchell B. Carroll Prize in 1995 for work (monography) on international tax law
- Fulbright Scholarship; Erasmus Scholarship; Scholar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
- Affiliations: American Chamber of Commerce in Germany (AmCham Germany); New York Bar Assoc.; Fulbright-Alumni Assoc.; Anglo-Bavarian Club, Munich (Vice Chairman); Konrad-Adenauer-Alumni Assoc.; Georgetown Alumni Assoc.; Rotary International et al.
Contact details
Großmann | Rechtsanwälte
Brienner Straße 29 · Palais am Obelisk
D-80333 Munich
T +49 89 4141 72 111
F +49 89 4141 72 119
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Zuständige Rechtsanwaltskammer / Aufsichtsbehörde: Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk München, Tal 33, D-80331 München
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Für journalistisch-redaktionelle Inhalte (gem. § 55 II RstV): Dr. Klaus Großmann, Brienner Str. 29, D-80333 München